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【大数据科学与脑机智能高精尖中心学术报告】美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 Qiben Yan教授

发布时间:2018-04-12 20:22   点击次数:



题    目:Defensive Security and Privacy Framework for Internet-of-Things Systems

时    间:2018529日上午10:00

地    点:新主楼G510

报 告 人:美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校Qiben Yan教授





   Qiben Yan is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering Department in University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He received Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Virginia Tech, and his M.S. and B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Fudan University. He was once a security researcher in a cyber security startup company called Shape Security, where he participated in building the first “botwall”.  His research interests are to design secure network infrastructure to protect the modern networks under threats, by leveraging techniques such as machine learning, statistical methods, and software analysis. He is particularly interested in mobile security, IoT security, wireless security and privacy.





The security and privacy issues of IoT platforms, such as smart home, smart city, and wearable platforms, have aroused concerns from both industry and academia. Evolving from mobile systems, the IoT system has become increasingly complex and notoriously difficult to analyze. The economical promise of connected things can be easily undermined by “smart” attackers. It is terrifying to imagine that the sensitive data stored on personal IoT devices could be leaked to remote adversaries through wired/wireless eavesdropping, or a wealth of compromised IoT devices could launch a denial of service attack to destruct Internet infrastructures. In this talk, I will illustrate a defensive framework for protecting IoT systems in a wide range of real-world environment. I will first introduce my current research on wireless communication and security. Then, I will introduce system security issues on IoT platforms, which bears a similarity with the popular mobile platform. Finally, I will discuss other promising research topics on mobile and IoT system security. This talk will show the importance of defensive thinkings and data analytics in developing security mechanisms to counteract cyber threats.