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【大数据精准医疗高精尖创新中心学术报告】美国佛罗里达大学Panos M. Pardalos博士

发布时间:2018-06-19 11:22   点击次数:


报告题目:Networks and Data Science in Brain Research

人:Panos M. PardalosPh.D.,美国佛罗里达大学






Largescale problems in medicine and engineering, in the design of networks, in theapplication of biomedical fields, energy systems, and finance, are modeled asoptimization problems. Humans and nature are constantly optimizing to minimizecosts or maximize profits, to maximize the flow in a network, or to minimizethe probability of a blackout in a smart grid. Due to new algorithmicdevelopments and the computational power of machines (digital, analog,biochemical, quantum computers etc.), optimization algorithms have been used to“solve” problems in a wide spectrum of applications in science and engineering.But what do we mean by “solving” an optimization problem? What are the limitsof what machines (and humans) can compute?




Panos M.Pardalos,美国佛罗里达大学(Universityof Florida)杰出教授、Paul and Heidi Brown卓越教授,生物医学工程教授、工业和系统工程教授、计算机与信息科学教授,应用优化中心(Center forApplied Optimization)主任。Pardalos教授是国际公认的全局优化和组合优化领域的先驱者。H-index92,累计Google引用42754次。他近期的研究领域包括:数据挖掘、生物医学应用、网络优化、通讯优化、服务模式优化和大规模计算。Pardalos教授得到的奖项和荣誉包括:Constantin Carathéodory奖、2013EURO Gold MedalWilfridLaurier University 理学学位荣誉博士、2007Senior Fulbright Specialist Award、蒙古科学院院士、俄罗斯 N.I. Lobachevski State University ofNizhni Novgorod荣誉博士、美国科学促进会会士、美国医学和生物学工程学会会士、乌克兰国家科学院院士、俄罗斯彼得罗夫斯卡亚科学与艺术院院士、立陶宛科学院院士。 Pardalos教授曾是Journal of Global Optimization Optimization Letters 的创刊人和主编。现任 Energy Systems Computational Management Science 的主编。Pardalos教授同时也担任众多知名学术期刊的副主编和/或编委会成员。