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【生物医学工程高精尖创新中心】澳大利亚墨尔本大学生物医学工程系Peter Lee教授学术报告

发布时间:2019-01-16 10:33   点击次数:



报告题目:Using a hierarchical research approach in musculoskeletal disease and injury research.    





The overarching aim of our laboratory is to understand how forces are applied to the human, transferred to the tissue and transduced into biological responses. This presentation will highlight examples on how we apply a hierarchical research approach for biomedical applications. In the area of musculoskeletal injury prevention, we have conducted investigations using human volunteers, cadavers as experimental surrogates and computational models, to help advanced our understanding of clinical symptoms, pathological evidence and injury mechanism. Another focus area is Osteoarthritis (OA), a condition affecting the joints, and is a leading cause of chronic pain and disability worldwide. Any attempt to halt the progression of OA through physical rehabilitation or drug therapies, or reparative surgery using new implant materials, will require quantitative knowledge of bone and cartilage structure. We have developed multi-scale techniques to apply physiological loads on cartilage and bone via human motion experiments and mechanical testing systems. Computation models were used to probe the load bearing abilities of cartilage/bone affected by OA, to help advance our understanding of the disease process. In another example, we have used similar hierarchical approaches to design temporomandibular joint implant using musculoskeletal modelling techniques, before being 3D printed in titanium and implanted into the patient.  


Peter Lee(教授),英国思克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde)机械工程学士(1991)、生物工程博士(1996)、博士后(1996-1998)。现任澳大利亚墨尔本大学生物医学工程系副主任。

1996-1998年在新加坡材料研究与工程研究所生物材料组担任Research Fellow2001年加入新加坡DSO国家实验室国防医学与环境研究所、担任生物工程实验室主任。他在管理国防研究项目和基础设施方面拥有丰富的经验,开创了DSO生物工程实验室和生物技术项目,曾获新加坡国防科技部卓越创新奖。2008年加入澳大利亚墨尔本大学,担任高级讲师,2011年晋升为副教授,2015年晋升为教授。此后,他先后担任机械工程系副主任、代理主任等多个领导职务,现任生物医学工程系副主任、墨尔本工程学院医学与制药技术研究项目负责人,并主导建立了墨尔本大学细胞和组织生物力学实验室。

Peter Lee教授的研究方向主要集中在细胞和组织生物力学、肌骨系统康复、骨科和颌面部医疗器械等领域。发表了超过140期刊、会议论文。他是多个期刊的审稿人,现担任期刊《Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research》和《Frontiers in Pharmacology》的副主编。

Peter Lee obtained his BEng in Mechanical Engineering (1st Class Hons. 1991) and PhD (1996) in Bioengineering from the University of Strathclyde, UK, and continued his post-doc in the same university from 1996–1998. He was a Research Fellow with the Biomaterials Group at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore from 1998–2001. In 2001, he joined the Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute, DSO National Laboratories, Singapore, as the Head of the Bioengineering Laboratory. DSO is the largest research institute in Singapore with 1500 researchers. Lee accumulated significant experience in managing multi-million dollar defence research projects and infrastructure.  He pioneered the Bioengineering Laboratory and the Biotechnology Programme in DSO and achieved noteworthy recognitions and awards for his research and management skills.  In his career, he had undergone formal management training by the Ministry of Defence Singapore and the IMD Business School Switzerland. He joined the University of Melbourne, Australia, as a Senior Lecturer in 2008, and was promoted to an Associate Professor in 2011 and a Professor in 2015. Since then he has held several leadership positions including Deputy Head and Acting Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, and currently as the Deputy Head (Research and Engagement) of Department of Biomedical Engineering, and the Melbourne School of Engineering Research Program Leader for Medical and Pharmaceutical Technologies. He also leads the Cell and Tissue Biomechanics Laboratory in Engineering, where his research aims to better understand the behaviour of biological cells and tissues under mechanical forces. He has authored more than 140 publications in journals, conference proceedings and books. He is a and currently the Deputy Editor for Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, and Associate Editor for Frontiers in Pharmacology (Translational Pharmacology).