刘子钰 副教授
2011-2015 飞行器设计与工程,航空科学与工程学院,北京航空航天大学
2014 交流学生,麦吉尔大学 (McGill University)
2015 交流学生(本科毕设),工程系,剑桥大学 (University of Cambridge)
2017-2021 生物医学博士,手术与介入医学系,伦敦大学学院/英国皇家国家骨科医院 (University College London/Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital)
2015-2017 研究助理,北京航空航天大学
2018-2020 助理教师,伦敦大学学院/英国皇家国家骨科医院
2020 助理教师,伦敦大学学院高等空间分析研究院
2021-2023 助理教授,医学科学与工程学院/航空科学与工程学院
2023- 副教授,医学科学与工程学院/航空科学与工程学院
Ø 结构仿生/计算生物力学:建立仿生骨软骨支架材料与结构的数值评价方法;发明新型体外生物反应器;针对骨质疏松病人的骨板骨钉设计与制造
Ø 特种医学:飞行员的训练伤防护及救治;飞行员的抗荷服设计;航天员失重性骨质疏松研究;智能供氧技术研究
Ø 飞机人机工效综合评估:大型民航飞机驾驶舱设计
Ø 航空飞行评价:创建绿色航空能源碳减排效应分析模型;创建全飞行包线飞行性能数学模型减少温室气体排放;燃料雾化以及燃烧实验及仿真
主持或参与国家级项目 6 项:
Ø 2023-2025 耦合孔连通性以及物质输运对骨组织*支架细胞粘附和增殖的影响 国自然青年基金 30万
Ø 2020-2023 *替代燃料可持续评价 190万
Ø 2017-2019 早期干预骨关节炎大面积软骨缺损的新型支架临床转化 科技部政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项
Ø 2016-2020 二氧化碳烟气微藻减排技术 国家重点研发计划
Ø 2013-2016 生物基替代燃料航空发动机实用性研究,中英国家国际科技合作专项
Ø 2012-2016 新型能源藻培育及其高效转换技术 国家重点专项
Ø The sound of cells An acoustic platform aiming towards biophysical cell fingerprints for label-free precision medicine 22.5万欧
Ø Osteochondral Scaffold Innovation for Early Intervention of Osteoarthritis—Innovative UK via Newton Fund
Ø Biomaterials and Additive Manufacturing: Osteochondral Scaffold innovation applied to osteoarthritis—European Commission via a H2020-MSCA-RISE programme
Ø Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) via DTP CASE programme
Ø 欧盟地平线2020 可持续**替代燃料评价
Ø 欧盟FP-7 绿色航空** GRAIN2
Ø 甲醇制*替代燃料可行性研究 120万
Ø 绿色生物质*燃料制备技术可行性研究 35万
Ø 座舱方案数字样机人机工效评估 8万
Ø 法国航空航天实验室(ONERA),空客:航空替代燃料组成界定
Ø 赛峰集团(SAFRAN):燃烧与发动机性能测试与模型
Ø 英国剑桥大学:洪水对人的冲击力试验与模拟研究
Ø 英国伦敦大学学院:针对骨关节炎患者的骨软骨支架设计
Ø 英国牛津大学,斯旺西大学:新型仿生人工骨移植替代材料
Ø 英国皇家国家骨科医院,皇家自由医院,皇家兽医医院:骨软骨支架动物实验测试以及评定
Ø 美国斯坦福大学,葡萄牙米尼奥大学:动态细胞接种生物反应器
Ø 针对不同骨况骨关节炎症患者的支架
Ø 基于最佳负荷分布模型优化的低压涡轮叶型气动设计方法
Ø 一种油脂纯化方法和装置
Ø 一种固定煤制甲醇二氧化碳的方法及系统
Ø 一种基于自然环境调控的微藻固碳方法
Ø 一种利用微藻处理含有含有CO2的烟气的方法
Ø 一种航空替代燃料及其制备方法
Ø 提高重油活塞发动机点火性能的航空替代燃料调和方法
Ø 提高热氧化安定性的航空替代燃料调和方法
Ø 一种用微藻制备航空燃料的方法
Ø 含油微藻提取不饱和脂肪酸并制备航空燃料的方法
Ø 一种分光光伏光热联合制氢系统及其使用方法
Ø Ziyu Liu, Maryam Tamaddon, Shen-Mao Chen, Haoyu Wang, Vee San Cheong, Fangli Gang, Xiaodan Sun*, Chaozong Liu*, Determination of an initial stage the bone tissue ingrowth into titanium matrix by cell adhesion model, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Ø Xiangsheng Gao, Shengkai Ma, Wangaoran Chen, Min Wang, Qi Pan*, Ziyu Liu*,Tautening effect mechanism of titanium-alloy InterTAN nail, Rare Metals
Ø Hao Huang, Chaozong Liu, Teng Yi, Maryam Tamaddon, Shanshan Yuan, Zhenyun Shi*, Ziyu Liu*, Substitution for in vitro and in vivo tests: computational models from cell attachment to tissue regeneration, Chinese Medical Sciences Journal
Ø Raphaël F. Canadas, Ziyu Liu (Co-first author), Diogo C. Fernandes, Chaozong Liu, Rui L. Reis, Alexandra P. Marques, Joaquim M. Oliveira*, Numerical and experimental simulation of a dynamic-rotational 3D cell culture for stratified living tissue models, Biofabrication
Ø Ziyu Liu , Hao Huang, Jingying Yang, Maryam Tamaddon, Haoyu Wang, Yingying Gu, Zhenyun Shi, Chaozong Liu*, Oxygen and Glucose Transportation and Distribution on 3D Osteochondral Scaffold in Silico Model , Journal of Bionic Engineering
Ø Jian Zhou, Hao Huang, Lijing Wang, Maryam Tamaddon, Chaozong Liu, Ziyu Liu*, Tengbo Yu*, Yingze Zhang, Stable Mechanical Fixation in a Bionic Osteochondral Scaffold Considering Bone Growth, Rare Metals
Ø Ziyu Liu , Chunjing Tao, Shanshan Yuan, Wei Wang, Liqi Ng, Hao Huang, Xiaodan Sun*, Chaozong Liu*, Eularian wall film model for predicting dynamic cell culture process to evaluate scaffold design in a perfusion bioreactor, Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices
Ø Ziyu Liu , Maryam Tamaddon, Yingying Gu, Jianshu Yu, Nan Xu, Fangli Gang, Xiaodan Sun*, Chaozong Liu*, Cell Seeding Process Experiment and Simulation on Three-Dimensional Polyhedron and Cross-Link design scaffolds, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Ø Chunlan Jing, ShenmaoChen, Sehajdev Singh Bhatiabe, Bowen Li, Hongze Liang, Chaozong Liu, Zhenjiang Liang, Junying Liu, Haiyan Li, Ziyu Liu*, HuiTan*, Lingling Zhao*, Bone-targeted polymeric nanoparticles as alendronate carriers for potential osteoporosis treatment, Polymer Testing
Ø Lingli Jin, Yanwen Xu, Fengjiao Chen, Dingle Yu, Hongze Liang, Zhenjiang Liang, Ziyu Liu *, Haiyan Li, Junying Liu, Hui Tan*, Lingling Zhao*,Mitochondria-targeted and pH-triggered charge-convertible polymeric micelles for anticancer therapy, Materials & Design
Ø Xiangsheng Gao, Yuhang Zhao, Min Wang,Ziyu Liu *, Chaozong Liu*, Parametric Design of Femoral Implant with Gradient Porous Structure, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Ø Jishizhan Chen, Ziyu Liu *, Jinke Chang*, Genetic mechanism study of auditory phoenix spheres and transcription factors prediction for direct reprogramming by bioinformatics, International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Ø Ziyu Liu , Xiaoyi Yang*,Refining drop-in fuel coupling GHGs reduction in LCA with airworthiness in aero-engine and aircraft, Catalysis Today
Ø Ziyu Liu , Zhichao Wang, Xiaoyu Gu, Haobo Liu, Luhua Yang, Jingying Yang, Xiaoyi Yang, Intelligent quantitative assessment on spray performance of alternative aviation fuel, Frontiers Energy Research
Ø Ziyu Liu , Haobo Liu, Xiaoyi Yang*, Life cycle assessment of the cellulosic jet fuel derived from agriculture residue, Aerospace
Ø Yanlong Wang, Wei Guo, Lin Cheng, Ruipeng Ji, Yizhi Zhou, Xinhua Liu, Yanzeng Zhao, Ziyu Liu*, Lijing Wang*, The Associations of Occupational Stress with Anxiety among Chinese Civil Pilots: The Mediating Role of Type A Behavior Pattern, Aerospace
Ø Yanzeng Zhao, Yanlong Wang, Wei Guo, Lin Cheng, Jialu Tong, Ruipeng Ji, Yizhi Zhou, Ziyu Liu*, Lijing Wang*, Studies on the Relationship between Occupational Stress and Mental Health, Performance, and Job Satisfaction of Chinese Civil Aviation Pilots, Aerospace
Ø Ziyu Liu , Chaozong Liu, Shujun Han, Xiaoyi Yang*, Optimization upstream CO2 deliverable with downstream algae deliverable in quantity and quality and its impact on energy consumption, Science of the Total Environment
Ø Ziyu Liu , Xiaoyi Yang*, Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics of Cellulosic Jet Biofuel Blends, China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology
Ø Shengfei Dong, Ziyu Liu*, Xiaoyi Yang, Hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass for jet fuel precursors: A review, Chinese Chemical Letters
Ø Ziyu Liu , Xiaoyi Yang*, The potential GHGs reduction of co‑processing aviation biofuel in life cycle, Bioresources and Bioprocessing
Ø Ziyu Liu , Zimu Tang, Xiaoyi Yang*, Integrating properties and conditions to predict spray performance of alternative aviation fuel by ANN model, Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts