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【生物医学工程高精尖中心】法国索邦大学Pascal LAUGIER教授学术报告通知

发布时间:2018-10-29 20:28   点击次数:

法国索邦大学Pascal LAUGIER教授学术报告通知





报告题目:Opportunities in translating resonant ultrasound spectroscopy into bone applications


时间: 2018年10月31日(周三)下午2:30




报告人:Pascal LAUGIER 教授



Bone mechanical properties which fascinates not only scientists but also engineers are the results of the highly hierarchized and organized structure and the compositional properties spanning over several lengths from the nanoscale to the macroscale. Deep understanding of parameters affecting bone mechanical  behavior is necessary to better predict and treat bone diseases, improve orthopedic implants design, and engineer bio-inspired materials. Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy is a powerful method to investigate   bone stiffness at different scales. In this work, a special focus is placed on human cortical bone elastic     properties both at the millimeter and micrometer scales.


Based on a multimodal approach (resonant ultrasound spectroscopy, synchrotron radiation micro-computed tomography, Fourier transform infrared micro-spectroscopy and biochemistry experiments), our results provide strong evidence that intra-cortical porosity and degree of mineralization are the most    important determinants of bone stiffness at millimeter scale in an elderly population. Microstructural     characteristics independent of porosity have non-measurable effects on bone stiffness at this level. At the micrometer scale, a novel inverse homogenization approach is introduced which can evaluate bone matrix anisotropic elastic properties with a good accuracy for all the stiffness constants.








Pascal LAUGIER 教授担任法国索邦大学(由原巴黎六大 和 原巴黎四大 合并)教授、法国国家科研中心(CNRS)一级研究员,巴黎六大医学成像实验室主任(LIP)。他曾获1993年度法国CNRS的铜质勋章,1998年度法国物理学会Yves Rocard奖,2001年度欧洲重大创新奖,2009年度法国声学学会勋章。他先后当选为欧洲科学院院士,美国医学生物工程学会(AIMBE)Fellow、美国声学学会(ASA)Fellow、美国超声医学学会荣誉Fellow、美国骨矿物质研究学会会员、欧洲生物力学学会会员。现任《IEEE Trans on UFFC》副主编,以及包括《Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology》与《Ultrasonic Imaging》在内的多个期刊编委。
