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【生物医学工程高精尖创新中心】北京大学曹晶博士Dr. Jing CAO学术报告通知

发布时间:2018-07-10 09:22   点击次数:

报告题目: Interactions between ultrafast lasers and cells  超快激光与细胞的相互作用






Jing CAO received her PhD degree at Université Paris Sud in 2017 with the supervisor of Prof., Dr Bertrand POUMELLEC in the lab Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay (ICMMO) http://www.icmmo.u-psud.fr/. Her research is about ultra-fast laser micromachining for obtaining nanostructures or 3D architectures (e.g. 3D femtosecond laser writing of waveguide) and femtosecond laser-matter interaction: femtosecond laser induced micro/nano-crystallization in silica-based glasses. Following a period in Politecnico di Milano doing research about development of new integrated devices fabrication by femtosecond laser micromaching, she joined the Peking University as research assistant in 2018. Her research focuses on the application of ultra-fast laser in biological system. The main topics of interest include the cancer, tissue fabrication, and design of laser therapies. She has published several papers in Optics Letters, Optics Express, Journal of the American Ceramic Society related to optics and glass. She was selected for the Advanced School on Glasses and Glass-Ceramics 100 positions available for top-quality Masters and PhD students (full grant, 50 Brazilians, and 50 foreigners from all over the world) in 2015. She made oral presentation in the European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO®/Europe-EQEC), 2017, Munich, Germany; the 14th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids (oral presentation), Niagara Falls, NY, USA, 2015. She received the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 4th International symposium on Laser interaction with Matter in 2016. She was the Lauréate du prix de thèse 2017 du Département Physique des Ondes et de la Matière (PhOM) de l’Université Paris-Saclay, dans la spécialité « Matériaux: Elaboration et propriétés physiques ».

曹晶 2017年毕业于法国巴黎南大学化学专业,获得博士学位。并获得优秀博士毕业论文奖(Lauréate du prix de thèse 2017 du Département Physique des Ondes et de la Matière (PhOM) de l’Université Paris-Saclay, dans la spécialité « Matériaux: Elaboration et propriétés physiques »)。主要从事超快激光微加工和激光和物质相互作用研究。随后在意大利米兰理工进行集成器件制备相关研究。20183月至今在北京大学化学学院从事超快激光在生物系统的应用和研究。目前已在Optics Letters Optics Express Journal of the American Ceramic Society 等专业期刊发表多篇论文。


In comparison with conventional surgical methods (e.g. chemical peels and fractional skin resurfacing), laser therapy has received widely consideration due to its safe and effective treatment with less damage to the surrounding regions, hemorrhage or infection, and minimal side effects. It has been used in gingival melanin pigmentation removal. The use of ultra-fast laser (with pulse duration in ps or fs range) has unique features in modifying materials, due to its nonlinear light-matter interaction. It has the unique properties such as short duration of the pulse, great peak power (sufficient to induce direct chemical bond breaking). The excitation is heat adiabatic process, and many dielectric media are transparent to the laser wavelength (i.e. red-NIR spectral zone). Technically, by simply adjusting the laser parameters (e.g. pulse duration, repetition rate), sub-micrometer modification can be achieved inside 3D transparent materials. The objective of this oral presentation is to discuss how to investigate the interaction between ultrafast lasers and cells. To go a step further, how to identify the molecular mechanisms behind the phenomenon, including the disintegration pathway and transition species of the disordered cells under ablation and the evolution of normal cells responding to the ablation of neighbors. New knowledge gained from the ultrafast laser-cell interaction investigations will be indispensable for the design of new therapies. Broader impacts may extend to general micro-surgical applications including selective removal of cancer cells that can potentially replace current side-effect-heavily-loaded chemical or radiative or methods, and the fusion of neural cells.

和常规手术方法(比如化学剥蚀法)相比,激光治疗由于其安全有效的治疗而受到广泛的关注。其具有对周围区域的损伤小,副作用最小等优势。可以应用在牙龈黑色素色素清除。超快激光(脉冲持续时间在psfs范围内)具有改变材料的独特特征。从技术上讲,通过简单地调整激光参数(例如脉冲持续时间,重复率),可以在三维透明材料内实现亚微米结构的制备。本报道的目的是探讨如何研究超快激光和细胞之间的相互作用。更进一步,如何识别这种现象背后的分子机制,包括消融时紊乱细胞的崩解途径和过渡物种以及响应邻居消融的正常细胞的进化。从超快激光 - 细胞相互作用研究中获得的新知识对于新疗法的设计是必不可少的。更广泛的影响可能扩展到一般的微外科应用,包括选择性去除可能潜在替代当前副作用的癌细胞 - 重载化学或辐射或方法,以及神经细胞的融合等。