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大数据科学与脑机智能高精尖创新中心学术报告:澳大利亚莫纳什大学 黎立博士

发布时间:2018-09-14 11:00   点击次数:





题目:Mining Open Source Repositories for API Understanding


We are now at the age of big data, where lots of software and unstructured data are invading our daily life. To cope with this, mining software repositories (MSR) has emerged as a new research topic aiming at mining those data for uncovering interesting and actionable information about software systems and projects. As an example demonstrating the usefulness of MSR, this talk will focus on mining the Android framework code base to support the understanding of Android APIs. More specifically, this talk will attempt to answer API-related questions such as how do Android APIs evolve over time, how are Android APIs deprecated, how are Android APIs involved compatibility issues, etc.


Dr. Li Li is a lecturer (a.k.a., Assistant Professor) and a PhD supervisor at Monash University, Australia. Prior to joining Monash University, he spent 1.5 years as a Research Associate at the Serval group, SnT, University of Luxembourg. He received his PhD and master degree in computer science from the University of Luxembourg in 2016 and Being University in 2013, respectively. His research interests are in the fields of Android security and Reliability, Static Code Analysis, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Dr. Li received an ACM Distinguished Paper Award at ASE 2018, a FOSS Impact Paper Award at MSR 2018 and a Best Paper Award at the ERA track of IEEE SANER 2016. He is an active member of the software engineering and security community serving as reviewers or co-reviewers for many top-tier conferences and journals such as ICSME, SANER, TSE, TIFS, TDSC, TOPS, EMSE, JSS, IST, etc. His personal website ishttp://lilicoding.github.io.