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发布时间:2018-10-24 10:18   点击次数:

Micromanipulation and Microrobotics for Precise Cell Surgery
报告人:孙 东
报告时间:10月25日(周四)下午 14:00


There exists an increasing demand for developing new technologies that can have earlier  diagnosis and treatment of diseases at cell level, thereby achieving long term patient  survival. Cell surgery robotics is an entirely new emerging theme that is enabled with    specially designed automated micromanipulation tools to perform surgical diagnosis and   treatment with image feedback, and can be processed on large-scale single cells. This    talk will introduce our recent development of using robotics combined with micro-engineering tools including optical tweezers, micro-needles and electromagnetic devices, as special end-effectors to accomplish various tasks of cell manipulation, diagnosis and micro-surgery at the single cell level. With this emerging technology, we have achieved numerous cell surgery operations such as single cell transportation and rotation, single cell biopsy and microinjection, and target delivery of cells using magnetic actuation. The new    technologies for automated cell surgery will permit many new unforeseen applications previously thought impossible, and profoundly affect surgical treatment and precision medicine.



孙东博士目前担任香港城市大学生物医学工程系讲座教授、系主任,及香港城市大学机器人与自动化研究中心主任。他先后毕业于北京清华大学和香港中文大学,之后在加拿大多伦多大学从事博士后研究。他于2000年加入香港城市大学至今。孙教授在机器人研究领域成绩斐然,特别在融合机器人与微纳操作技术实现单细胞水平上的细胞操作、诊断和微型手术方面做出了杰出的贡献。孙教授至今已发表15部学术著作和受邀著作章节,在国际期刊和会议上发表400篇学术论文,拥有十项国际专利,荣获多项最佳论文奖及工业奖项。孙教授还曾担任多个国际著名学术期刊的编委,并且作为大会主席组织多个大型国际会议,包括于2019年举行的世界最大型的全球机器人与智能系统国际大会(IROS 2019)。孙教授是美国电机与电子工程学会(IEEE)的Fellow,目前还担任国家教育部科技委生物医学学部的学部委员。 



Dr. Dong Sun is currently a chair professor and head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, where his current research focuses on bio/medical robotics for cell manipulation and cell surgery. He studied in Tsinghua University of Beijing and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and then joined the University of Toronto, Canada for post-doc research. After short-time working in the Canadian industry, he joined the City University of Hong Kong in 2000. Dr. Sun is among the leading contributors worldwide in pioneering work in robotic manipulation of biological cells, which has recently become an emerging area of robotics for biomedical applications and offered fundamental advances in precision medicine. His research has breakthrough in the use of combined robotics and various micro-engineering tools including optical tweezers, micro-needles and electromagnetic devices to achieve cell manipulation, diagnosis and micro-surgery at the single cell level. With his emerging technology, a new robotics theme “cell surgery robotics” has been recently formed, which will permit many new unforeseen applications previously thought impossible. Dr. Sun received numerous awards, including best paper awards from the international journal and conferences as well as industrial awards such as Hong Kong Awards for Industry. He serves on the editorial boards of several academic journals, and organizes several international flagship conferences including the world largest intelligent robot conference (IROS 2019). He is a fellow of the IEEE, and a member of the Biomedical Division, Science and Technology Committee of Education Ministry of China.